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Casting & Forging Company Participated in 12th China International Foundry Exhibition


 Recently, the 12th China International Foundry Exhibition (CIFEX) held in Beijing International Exhibition Center, the Casting & Forging Company’s exhibits in kind -enclosure stainless steel casting and compressor cylinder block iron casting received the High-quality Casting Goad Award.

 In this exhibition, Casting & Forging Company received more than 600 merchants from 12 countries including United States, Russia, Germany, Japan, India, South Korea and nearly 10 domestic provinces to visit booth and negotiate, promotional materials issued more than 450 copies. During the exhibition, with more than 10 companies reached a preliminary cooperation intention and with more than 50 business representatives established relationship. In addition, the exhibits in kindMCL700 enclosure stainless steel casting produced by Special Steel Company, JB6M40 compressor cylinder block iron casting produced by Casting Company received the High-quality Casting Goad Award “issued by China Foundry Association.


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